We started the day witha relatively easy 4 mileish hike down into Dicks Creek Gap.
Easy as in down hill, but really (and counter intuitively) downhills are the worst. You just pound your joints and your stabilizing muscles hurt like hell.
But we made it and proceeded to thumb it.into town. $15 for a shuttle?! Pshh. Yeah right. People are awesome. Let's hitchhike.
The guy was even going to the grocery store!
After a long time spent enjoying real coffee we urban hiked to a pizza joint.
Carona never tasted so good! Pizza was awesome as well.
And then it was time for the barber shop! Becca has now checked off her second action item on the bald and homeless list! The barber shop was amazing. Classic 50s country on the radio. Two shelves full of coke and Pepsi cans from generations past. And a magazine named "mules and more". Where the hell are we?
And finally we got two.hitches back to the gap. The second one gave us each a tallboy! Oh man this was a great resupply day. We are about a mile.into the woods and gonna eat some dinner. Loving the trail.
Trail Lyfe!
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