Sunday, May 17, 2015

Day 45: A Trail Daze

Ugh. Friday morning was hard but we Again not really knowing what to do, we just walked through town and entered the raffles and had lunch at Bobo's, the newish and Completely swamped with hikers pub in town. Poor waitstaff.

We found Sward in town and she had made it to tent city and found our site across from billville easy enough. After not winning any of the drawings we thought about trying to nap, but instead went to town and then made it to the Damascus Brewery for their actually open hours.

The Brewery is 2 yrs old, and they make 33 rotating beers. Unfortunately their beers were way sub par, but the atmosphere was great. Their best style was sadly, a cider.

After trying all they had on tap, it was.time to go back to tent town before what looked like a big rain cloud hit us. We stopped at grocers again and headed home.fully stocked.

But when we got home, all we wanted to do was eat a bit then try and fall asleep. Or at least try to sleep amidst the chaos of 1000s of young hiker hippies running around on psychedelics and yelling the Atlanta Braves song at the giant bonfire and drum circle. I don't know, I guess I have just been to this party several times before while in college.  Been there, done that (well not pretending to be a Native American warrior with a 100 of my other Bros before, but you get the point), get me outta here.

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