Sunday, September 20, 2015

Day 171: Saddleback

It was an interesting morning. See, this campsite has a privy with side by side seats, and a cribbage board between em. I'll let you guess if Becca and I decided to take our relationship to the next level.

Next, we threw off our backpacks and did some real blue blazing. We went to the Caves. Which was essentially a moohasuc notch that went vertical. The blazes and out and up a huge boulder jumble. Pretty cool.

Then it was a Steep climb to a pond. We saw a moose cow standing in the water on the far side with the sun shining on her from the other side of the mountain. Pictures don't do ot.justice but we took some anyway. It ran off and then so did we.

More climbing. Then in Tight evergreens a small bird darting down the path nearly hit me. Panicked and hit some trees and 180d out.

Then more climbing.

We made it to the top of saddleback mtn. The had a steep down and steep up to the horn. Then a steep down and a steep up to saddleback junior. Crazy profile for today. Finally, we descended all afternoon till we pitched camp a bit up from a river in a small ravine.

So tired.

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