Thursday, May 21, 2015

Day 51: Finding our pace at mile 528

We woke up at 5:45 this morning. Becca's alarm has been set for 545 for a long time actually, but this time we finally actually got up. Lucky too, because it was barely sprinkling when we left camp but soon turned to real rain. Hiking in rain is great. hiking in windy stormy shit weather is not. This was the good kind. There weren't any pics to take due to rain and fog and the terrain was mellow and densely forested anyway.

We had to choose our mileage. 16 miles to a camp spot before partnership shelter. Or go to partnership 3 miles farther and be forced to sleep in a shelter with a ton of other hikers. Plus these other hikers will be most likely partying because partnership is a unique shelter because it's right by a road and the pizza Hut in Marion VA delivers to the visitor center 0.1 miles from the shelter.

We got to the planned campsite before 3! So, go on to the shelter? Hell no! We set up tent and are laying in our sleeping bags. Trail Lyfe!

We have decided that this pace is awesome. From now on, we plan on trying to go 15 miles a day. Every mile that we put in over 15 goes into "a bank." When we have 15 miles in the bank, we can take a zero. Anything under fifteen, we subtract though. Resupply days don't count. Honestly, we might throw this whole plan out the window in a few weeks. But for now, it's motivation. It's also going to help for planning mail drops and we will finally update the care package information.

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