Sunday, July 5, 2015

Day 95: Halfway on the 4th of July!

Well well well my friends. Becca and  I have made it to the 2015 halfway marker!


The last few days have been humid and overcast and dreary and rainy. Everyone at home is yuck! But hiking, we are.fortunate. some years people would be melting by now, but instead we are cruising. Unfortunately we are hitting more swimming options and not really getting to enjoy em, but it's a fine trade if you ask me.

Today was rainy from the start. But we hit 2 milestones. First, we passed the 2015 halfway point at mile 1094.6. Wow. It's 3 things. We hit halfway! Hooray! Wow, we are only halfway? Aww man, it's half over?

Then we went on to pass the 1100 mile mark.

Then we went in to the pine grove campground store and definitely did NOT try the half gallon challenge. Not hot nough and also... Gross. But we did have burgers and fries and a scoop of ice cream. I used a tiny sample spoon so it felt like I was a giant person eating a half gallon bowl of ice cream. Does that count?

We now celebrate the fourth by camping in the woods and going to bed early. It was a big day afterall. 19 miles.

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